A Michigan father open carried his firearm into his child’s school and that action concerned the parents of children attending the school. The school district is trying to find a way to respect the Second Amendment while keeping the children safe, since obviously, this unidentified man only cares about the former.
For the time being, Huron Valley Schools said that any instance of open carry means they will apply its emergency procedures, which includes calling 911, and have an officer approve the entry of the individual with the firearm
“What we would do is we would apply our emergency procedures in the instance that someone chooses to open carry,” Kim Root, Director Of Community Relations for Huron Valley Schools, said.”For example whenever someone chooses to open carry on school grounds, we would apply our emergency procedures which would include going on lockdown.”
“I get that he’s exercising his right, and that is the law when it comes to open carry,” Ed Swadish, owner of Huron Valley Guns said.
Swadish admitted that he understands the parents’ concerns, but he said that open carry in this situation may actually be the safer option.
“If he was conceal carrying, and that’s not allowed, he would have to unholster his gun in the parking lot,” Swadish said. “And it may not be the safest option to leave his firearm in the car.”
“We will use our emergency procedures to ensure that we are doing what the community has asked us to do,” Root said. “And that is to protect the safety of our students first.”
Or the man could homeschool his child instead of freaking out the population of the school. Because there was a very recent school shooting and people are alarmed. It’s too bad that “respect those around you” was not written into the Second Amendment. Perhaps the Founders thought that that was a given.
Watch courtesy of WXYZ:
H/T: @ComgenKDT with thanks.