What do you do if you’re Kory Watkins and one of the members of your group Open Carry Tarrant County shoots two members of their family dead?
Naturally, if you are the leader of that group, you would lie your ass off and deny everything, then plan an armed takeover of Washington, D.C.
Stop laughing. Kory is super-cereal.
Kory’s army has some super-great ideas, like rounding up “the traitors in the mainstream media.” Stop me when you think this patriot sounds just like Vladimir Putin.
A guy named Harry was making too much sense, so later on Jennifer blocked him because she believes he might be a “government troll.” Because he said stuff like this:
Jennifer honey, if this was a tyrannical government you’d be dead. Jennifer’s Facebook posts reveal that she believes the government has enacted mind control.
Jennifer again:
John’s in!
I feel so much better knowing that “Bone” will be there.
Is there a history book titled “Stuff not to do”?
Patrick is a Ron Paul supporter and he knows about surgical strikes.
Why does it always have to be Virginia? (I just moved here.)
Thank goodness they have Kroger stores to stop in along the way, otherwise these little fellers might starve to death on their way to D.C.
Kroger, this is your new clientele. Enjoy! I’ll be shopping elsewhere.
Big thanks to my pal for gathering the images and information.
All images obtained via social media, thereby making them fair use.