Kory Watkins (R-Fedora), leader of Open Carry Tarrant County will meet today along with hundreds of his friends at a Kroger in a mostly black and hispanic area of Arlington, Texas for what they are calling the Massive March Against Police Overreach & Brutality.
Kory has invited some 5,200 people and 486 have said they plan to attend. Another 128 answered with ‘maybe’ as to whether they’re going.
Kroger is currently the target of a very public campaign to end open carry in stores, so it seems he’s using recent tragedies to further his agenda.
To add to that, he’ll be wearing a “Hands Up Don’t Shoot” t-shirt while carrying a rifle.
Included in the list of “patriots” attending, will be Tara “Pony Lady” Cowen, a self-described “short tempered, agitated” woman “with no tolerance or patience.”
This is Zack and he will be attending. It appears that he drives around naked. It’s against Kroger’s policies to allow someone without their shirt on inside of their stores, but openly carrying firearms is cool.
Kory and his pals are part of a group that watches cops while they’re on duty. Funny story: After yelling at cops last month because they set up a DUI checkpoint, Kory was hit by a drunken driver.
Watkins does not think that drunken driving should be illegal. He was issued a summons for driving without a license. ” I don’t ask for permission to drive a car I paid for on a road I paid for,” he said.
Sovereign Citizens hold the same views. He went on to blame the cops for giving him a $300 ticket. Obviously, Watkins is not insured. Kory and his wife set up a donations page to help poor, persecuted Kory Watkins buy a new car. Also, he doesn’t work. He just watches cops and marches into Kroger while carrying his expensive weapons while expecting others to pay for his irresponsible behavior. So far, suckers have donated a total of $840 to help further Kory’s career as a moocher.
Another naked Open Carrier.
Mugshots of Kory, Joseph Tye and Kory’s wife. Hey, I know Joseph. He filed a bogus DMCA against my site for using pictures which he circulated. That’s illegal, by the way. But I did not counter-file because I’m nice like that.
Side note: No naked pictures of me were included in this post because I like you guys too much.
Big thanks to my source whose anonymity will be respected here. Besides, I don’t want her surrounded by a group of armed naked guys.
All images obtained through social media, thereby making them fair use.