Members of Moms Demand Action, including founder Shannon Watts, will rally outside of Kroger’s investor relations meeting and they will be armed with radio ads and billboard trucks (see image for an example). The trucks will drive around the meeting in order to point out just how unreasonable their current policy is, and a full page open letter will be published in the Cincinnati Enquirer.
“If you allow one [poodle] then you allow two, then” there’s a problem, the employee says.
No, really.
Because poodles.
With a kid on a scooter there is a “liability” issue but not with loaded firearms.
The majority of shoppers at Kroger do not support Open Carry in the stores, even though many are gun owners.
64% of Kroger shoppers think customers should not be allowed to openly carry guns in Kroger
grocery stores.83% say stores should be allowed to prevent customers from bringing guns into their stores.
Further, 61% of shoppers who have guns in their home do not believe it would be an
infringement on their 2nd Amendment rights for a store to prevent people from openly carrying
a gun in a store.This indicates that Kroger would likely not provoke a widespread political response if it
chooses to act.
The open letter to Kroger can be seen here.
Sign the gun sense group’s petition here. Petitions with more than 300,000 signatures have already been delivered. Tweet using the hashtag, #GroceriesNotGuns to show your support. Show the massive chain store that your safety should mean more them.
Kroger, we’re going to have to break up if this situation is not rectified. I spent several hundred dollars last week — at another store. It could have been you. It used to be you.
Big thanks to my source whose anonymity will be respected here.